Hong Kong Welcome
如果您來自香港,剛來到布里斯托定居,我們非常歡迎您來到協和國際基督教會(Concord Church),並協助你能更快融入本地社區。
If you are from Hong Kong and new to Bristol, we would love to welcome you to Concord Church and help support you as you settle into the area.
我們是一家地方教會,服務於BS34的新社區: 包括查爾頓海斯、布拉巴宗和布里斯托北部周邊地區。
We are a local church serving the new communities of Charlton Hayes, Brabazon and the surrounding areas of north Bristol.
We want Concord Church to be at the heart of the new communities which are developing and serve those who live there.
We do this by meeting to worship together on a Sunday, inviting our friends to find out more about Jesus on the Alpha course and by looking to serve the needs of those in our community.
我們每週日上午 10:30 在布里斯托航空博物館見面,非常歡迎您前來參與,我們很樂意見到您。
We meet every Sunday at 10.30am at the Aerospace Museum, Bristol and you are very welcome to come along on any Sunday, we’d love to meet you.
英語提升班 English Language Improver Classes
你需要一些英語方面的幫助嗎? 我們於每周二黃昏見面,一起向合格的 ESOL 老師學習英語。現課程有大約有40人,大部分來自香港,但無論你英語程度如何,以及來自任何國家,我們都非常歡迎您。這些課程都是免費的,歡迎您來參與,看看是否適合您。
Would you like some help with your English language? There is a group of about 40 people, mostly from Hong Kong but people from any country are welcome. They meet on Tuesday to learn English together from a qualified ESOL teacher. These classes are free to attend and there are people with all abilities. Come along and see if this is something for you.
每周星期二(學期時間)下午 5 點 15 分 - 6 點 15 分在布里斯托航空博物館舉行。
5.15 - 6.15 pm every Tuesday (term time) at Aerospace Bristol
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請點擊此處註冊。Click here to register your interest
如果您想用粵語交談,請點擊此處聯繫我們。If you’d like to speak to someone in Cantonese, please click here and drop us an email.